Thursday 13 December 2018

Newspaper front cover analysis

Image result for daily mail front cover

Upload your newspaper alongside a Daily Mail cover you used as your main influence.

What was the task you were assigned?
To make a daily mail front cover, from another original cover with information given and provided by our news reporter.
What programme did you use to complete your task? 
I used adobe Photoshop
What tools did you use from your programme to create your task ie font websites, crop, color changes etc?
I used crop, use of layers and many different images to make everything edited.
What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?
The biggest obstacles was finding the correct images and fitting everything in with the correct dimensions.
Describe your production and why you chose the various text headings and images?
used  new roman, as the constant text, this is because it is the  most similar looking font I could find. The heading was a typical daily mail heading and it fitted in well with the article. 
What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?
They said it was accurate to a typical looking daily mail front cover. 
Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?
I would have used a different background image to the one i used for ant in the jungle, this is because this image came up pix elated on the print and didn't look as clear as I would have liked.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Ideological Discourses in newspapers

Image result for feminism newspaper article
1. Crude, joke, grievance.
2. victims of feminism, big dongles, oppressed by feminism.
3. The reader wants to read the ideas that this is 'crude' and causes 'grievance', this is because the readers will agree that this is wrong and therefore they want the writer that is publicly posting this to feel the same way and have the same views as them. This will ease the reader as it makes them feel as though we are all for the ideas of fighting against out of line remarks.
Image result for newspaper article about education
1. Decline, expect, fallen.
2. sharp decline, significant fall, harder.
3. What is said corresponds to what the reader wants to see is that it is nationwide and is not singled out to one school, that is because the audience of this would be parents of a primary school, this will reassure them and put them at ease slightly.
Image result for newspaper article about crime and punishment
1. lawbreaking, offences, law.
2. responsible, offences against the law.
3. This corresponds with what is want to be seen is because it here details how this is wrong and illegal, this will make someone who agrees with these laws feel abit more at ease because there is law enforcement being implemented.

Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...