Monday 6 April 2020

Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard
Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original but newer media products attempt to copy reality and no longer links to reality.

  • Based on a true non-fiction, this includes context and also possesses historical factors that all allow the sense of reality we see in the drama. The theory of Baudrillard can be applied through the contextuality and reality facts that have been altered to interest audiences and create a captive audience. Heightened reality meaning that the story has been changed and altered to be more entertaining rather than delivering a documentary style product.
Stranger things
  • Contrasting to d83, as it is clearly a hyper sense of reality and is not initially trying to portray reality and contextual views
  • It does include real locations however the main location is fictional of Hawkins
  • The different reality's can be shown but the extra terrestrial views which are similarly shown in other media productions such as et showcases the intertextuality presented.
  • Showing that the theory can be used to show that although the setting can be seen as historically accurate, the sense of unrealistic and the hyper-sense of reality is expressed using this theory to explain and identify it.
  • There are 2 types of newspaper
  • Broadsheet - aims to showcase hard news and this allows factual non-biased information for the higher demographics of the general public. This allows facts, backed up and supported by various sources of evidence.
  • This theory can be identified here with the different views showcased by the broadsheets with political and cultural contextual values. The only supporting evidence supports the papers views and not anything going against this.
  • Tabloids - with the lower demographic audience and therefore the more impressionable audience, this allows more influential factors to generate a firm understanding of reality. Allowing more change from the papers and publishing entertaining and stories that support their views bending the truth.

1 comment:

  1. You show good understanding when applying to LFTVD - I think you could develop your application to news, and look for specific examples for both. Make sure you really understand the DEFINITION for the theory - your explanation at the top is a little vague.


Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...