Tuesday 26 February 2019


1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show? 
since 20th August 2018, after taking over from Nick Grimshaw the previous presenter.

2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract? 
The main target age range is 15-29 years old, but there are many listeners outside of this age range bracket.

3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM? 

the main differences are that they meet this diverse age group, this is because normal commercial radio stations aim to meet the satisfaction of many age groups to have more listeners. However, the breakfast show aim for younger target audience by using top charts music and interesting softer news as-well as hard music and classic songs.

4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. 

- radio
- mobile
- laptop, tablet, computer
- through website
- on catchup 
-on tv 
- in car radio

5. How can the audience interact with the R1BS?

Interaction can be done through calling in as well as the use of hashtags and tags on twitter to reach the presenter.

6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast? 

OFcom, this will affect what can be said, what music can be played and how long for to not break copyright if not lawfully used correctly. Another way it may be affected is with the news being released whether it is factually correct and doesn't include names or information that could harm someone.

7. How does The R1BS fulfil its remits as a public service broadcaster?

It is available to be broadcasted by any member of public who pays for their tv license.

8. Why is the controller of Radio 1, Ben Cooper unconcerned about the drop in listening figures for the R1BS?

Ben Cooper quotes that 'Rajars are only part of the picture for Radio 1, and our listeners should be seen alongside increases on our YouTube channel as it goes past one billion views and our growing social media platforms with over 8.5 million users.' This therefore means that there is no need for these as the growth in social media is what is going to affect the future and will bring up the views no matter what.

9. How does the program promote British music?

There is a constant stream of British music, a-lot of the songs and artists that are played as well as interviewed in the show are from the UK this therefore means that there is promotion regarding the British music within the breakfast show,

10. What genres of music were played during your slot? Give some examples.

The main genre was pop, this is because the general genre in the top charts is pop, however as well as being pop the majority of the music was uk.

11. Celebrity interviews - Who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about? How many of the interviews are with British people?
a small amount, one an episode generally or at least one for every time someone will listen unless someone listens for the whole show.
12. News items - List the stories and identify which relate to Britain.

13. Quizzes and games - what can you win?

u can win cash rewards as well as different things to do with the show.
14. How does the broadcast fit into the BBC ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining'?

by giving information as well as music and entertainment. Not just being overloaded by news but not not having enough.
15. How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

has a more interesting vibe to it.
16. Who do you think the audience is from the content of 'your section'? What evidence do you have for this?

males and females aged 15-25, as the music suits this and the section i studied had a very strong amount of music instead of information. This was around 8 - 9, therefore when people are making their commute so they will be background listeners.

17. How large is the audience for the Radio 1 Breakfast show?

240,00 a show
18. Which five audience categories did the BBC Trust use to measure audiences in 2016?

19. Which BBC radio station is most targeted at a mass audience?
20. Which BBC radio station is most aimed at a niche audience with high levels of cultural capital?

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