Thursday 21 November 2019

dirt sheet number 2


Name:                                           Date:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence (5)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions (10)

Question: 2 How does media language incorporate viewpoints and ideologies in these front pages of the Guardian and he Daily Mail.

·       Layout
·       Typography
·       Colour
·       Font
·       Images

Outlining the conventions of the front pages of tabloid newspapers, including use and style of headlines and images
Analyse the contrasting use of symbolic, technical and written conventions in the sources
Contrasting conclusion and judgments.

Lower demographic, CDE
Higher image to text ratio
Large bold headlines - attracting readers.
Skyline advert for content inside
Soft news however includes some hard news
High variety of articles
Multiple large images

The large font of the headline in the mirror clearly screams its viewpoint on Theresa May. 'lies, damned lies', and the subheading which speaks of 'broken promises' leaves the impressionable readership in no doubt that they should condemn the tory party. The size of the typography is extremely large, even for the tabloid, and coupled with the repetition of 'lies' forces the CDE demographic to take on the anti-Tory ideology - a crucial reading on the day of the general election.

The daily mail also sues the common tabloid convention on direct mode of address in the headline (lets ignite), and the skyline ('your guide). However, instead of using the imperative commands (which the lower demographic of the mirror would accept), the mail cleverly unites its c1c2d demographic by making the readers feel part of the team - together they are part of the change, part of the politics. This this effectively flatters the audience into accepting the pro-conservative viewpoint it is hammering home. The editors of the DM have clearly understood its audience, and have tweaked the tabloid convention to suit the intelligent reader.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

What are the areas you need to improve?

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

Q2 Points that could have been made

·       Differences in colour
·       Ratio of image to text – text heavy Guardian
·       Hard/soft news – Guardian three hard news stories all politics one international story
·       Formal/informal language
·       Guardian left leaning / Daily Mail
·       Close up head shots of DM old and aggressive Jagger, innocent young under SEX PESTS ideology of celebrity gossip and hyperbolic informal language
·       Daily Mail C1 C2 C3/ Guardian A B C
·       Alliteration language, saturated colour schemes
·       Size of fonts and capital letters DM

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Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...