Monday 27 January 2020


Different social groups are represented with the different ages and the different levels of maturity shown, ages represents the different ways problems are dealt with and maturity is shown with the different level of up bringing expressing the maturity and ways that traumatic experiences are dealt with.

Regarding age, the young middle school aged children show an extended level of maturity relative to the older teenagers with the expression of not focusing on the real issue at hand this therefore shows a controversy to popular belief that the older and more experienced aged teenagers will have a stronger maturity level than the younger individuals. This can be backed up with the idea that growing up adds levels of maturity with experience levels and the different methods of growing up which combine to make a stronger minded person is not shown here. The likes of mike and his group show a level of stress but keeping steady minded to try and resolve the issue no matter the extent of the issue. This is contrasted with the older teenagers closely related such as Nancy who is more involved with her boyfriend Steve and less bothered about a close family friend missing which in essence should be the highest valued issue at hand, instead it is less regarded.

Maturity with upbringing expresses the poor relative to the rich as a more mature social group, expressing how a higher class upbringing can express immaturity and a level of childish maybe due to the reliant on the older generation due to having more time than the lower class working families. This can be exampled with the byers family relative to Nancy's family. Wills brother shows a better example of maturity with comforting the mother along with showing practical methods of resolving the issue while Nancy doesn’t. Although it is more personal as a brother no expression of maturity and more of a claim to popularity is shown with Nancy over wills brother. This therefore shows how an upbringing of class can negatively effect the maturity and stability levels of teenagers.

Therefore social groups are therefore represented majority with the children but this is expressed and originates from the children's upbringing. This can be the different class of which they are upbrought in, or a broken family such as the byers being split up. This is contradicted with Nancy's family origin and therefore shows the audience how the differences are examples of more than just gender and lifestyle.

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Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...