Thursday 27 September 2018

Boyz N The Hood

D- Describe in detail
S - Setting
T - Themes
I - Icons
N - Narrative
C - Characters
T - Textual References

- Long shots of everything, showing us the rural area and the conditions of what the children are living in.
- There is a zoom in scene on the  'stop' sign, this is done to create suspense and show the watcher what sort of seriousness is occurring.
- There is panning motion on a-lot of scenes, to show the damage dine when the death location is being shown, in the class room and when they are walking anywhere. The use of this is to represent what is going on in the whole image, and when it is a serious scene like where the death is being represented, this shows the seriousness by showing the whole location instead of just one small part.

Mise en scene:
- Typical high school setting, in America
- Hood area, urban and rural. Broken down and not an ideal area for a child to grow up in and fulfil their potential.
- Main setting is a shooting, and it is also mainly varies around this and nothing else is really shown around the area.

- Off screen noises/ voiceover
- Light music with bad scenes, creating a mixed atmosphere to confuse the audience.
- Helicopter off screen, this resembles the idea of crime and reinforces the location and setting which these children are growing up in.
- Train off screen, showing they are close to it even know in a school, another sense of rural ness and potentially an unhealthy atmosphere for them.
- non-diegetic sound

- Smooth transitions, contrasting with the shots and the area which is presented to not being smooth.
- Screen time, constantly on the main character, this gives an outline and an objective of this character and what they may potentially become.
- Smooth pace, this shows that its not jolty and not interrupted, meaning there is full focus on the scenes and not what the editing is doing.
- Transitions, smooth dissolve, represented as foreshadowing and what could happen later on in the film.

Thursday 20 September 2018


Semiotics - The study of signs.
Denotations - What we see when we look at an image.
Connotation - What we understand from an image.

Image result for the office poster

Denotation - Michael is standing at the front and everyones behind him.
Connotation - He is the main character and in charge of everything.

Denotation - 'the office' is wrote in non capitals and light white writing.
Connotation - Fun, and not a scary film, like a comedy.

Denotation - Light background and clouds.
Connotation - Light hearted programme, not taken literally and is potentially a comedy.

Denotation - Tree in the background.
Connotation - soft and not horror and have no gore to it was something harder.


Genre Task

D - Describe in detail
S - Setting
T - Themes
I - Icons
N - Narrative
C - Characters
T - Textual analysis 

Sci Fi - This photo highlights the genre of Sci-fi, this is because of the science element, science best highlights the future and the use of these evident science views it presents sci fi. It went well with these ideas of science infusing throughout the photo. However, due to the use of fire, and not just normal science equipment an audience ay see it in more of a horror film way or maybe not as it is intended as a sci fi picture. Which could potentially cause confusion for an audience.

Teen - The genre of teen is highlighted here, this is because of the teenager sitting in the middle, with the classic idea of hood up and on phone. Overall representing a teenager being the centre of the film. The school building in the background again highlights the age of being a teenager as they are in school and not on a street which could cayuse speculations regarding the age. This went well, however, some audiences may have a different inference to teen and potentially see it in a different way as it has no classic locker hall and what is normally seen in a teen film poster.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

First editing

My first edit, using a James bond theme tune and new york clips.
This was edited with Adober Premier Pro.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


Hybrid - Combination of two genres. Eg; Romcon, action, adventure.

Steve Neale

Steve Neale - Genre Theory

- Stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation and change.
- The idea that these genres change, develop and vary as they borrow and overlap with one another.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Summer Task

Task 1

Image result for film posters

-Subtle action figures in the background, this creates an attraction to the closer more prominent characters so that they have the focus to the poster.
-Vibrant lights, catches people’s eyes, when walking past or seeing it, bringing them to look further into the film poster and potentially be a target.
-Characters, with the main character in the middle, brings the persons attention more to focus in the centre of the image and then seeing this they will start to explore the external pieces to the image.
-The name of the film, if the person looking at the poster looks further, then they will see the name of the film and that will stick in their mind, meaning they will remember it and be a potential purchaser. Also, having smaller letters means that they have to look further and closer, meaning longer spent looking at the poster so they remember it more.

Task 2

One aspect of the trailer is the high intensity filming and audio, this is particularly highlighted in the seconds 50-53, as there is a quick build-up of quick blunt transitions which fits in with the music. The way it has fitted is with the sudden noises produced by the music is highlighted with the cuts to the next scene. The cuts/transitions are sharp and have no fade or effect, this is done to build up suspense and showing a rapid amount of action scenes gives an overall build-up which is then broke by an explosion. This explosion breaks the quick beat to the music and also finishes off the trailer, the audio is also heard from the explosion followed by a cut of the music to create a sudden ending, to set the scene and genre of the show, that is that it is action, for the viewer. Another way in which high intensity filming and audio is used in the trailer is with the action scenes, surrounded by the crime references, with the use of the police dog and the coding, builds up to someone running. Giving the watcher a feel of action infused throughout the trailer, referencing that this is what the show is about and to pack all of these different action shots into a 1-minute clips, also creates this tense atmosphere that the watcher can’t look away from. In the clip of the man running, the camera angle is from lower down, as well as this it is not stabilised and is a wobbly camera angle. The cameraman has done this to show the fact that the show is not of a sophisticated calm genre, this is because using a uneven camera angle gives the effect that the show is rough and is not steady. Showing that the watcher may be on edge all the time as the intensity is increased using this camera work. The speaking from the news programme infused in the background also plays a part to the trailer, this is because having a commentary and having someone talk over a radio almost gives the effect of a report, like they are talking and reporting on what is going on in the trailer adding a sense of a genre of mystery and crime to the trailer to set the scene for the show. The costumes also play a big part in this trailer, using old war style uniforms also hints to the action as war references being highlighted in the trailer shows us what type of show this is and what we as a reader are to expect.

Task 3
Image result for daily mail front cover for a major event
The media has shaped our view to dislike the situation, referring to the people as short and not their full name, could show us that they disrespect them. Also, fury is used in a negative light to represent the views offered by the media and what they actually want us British to think about the situation, in a negative light. As well as this, the word PLOT is used here, the word plot is normally associated with criminality, showing that this is a negative thing, to twist the publics views to frown upon the situation.

Image result for guardian front cover for a major event
The media has shaped the view and opinions of society to cause uproar with the council and the people that are involved in the increase in rail fairs. The use of words here is the main part which opposes this situation. For example, the use of the word 'faster' when referencing the wages, has a speed connotation linked to the use of a train. This therefore highlights the terrible situation that is occurring at the point of this. 'Chaos', is also used here, the word chaos is used in terrible and panicking situations. Giving the reader the connotation that the situations has left people panicking and with this dramatic use of vocabulary it makes the reader see and view the situation much worse than it actually is.

In the are you beach ready campaign, it shows a modals picture, and to some girls this may be offensive, this is due to it saying that if you do not look like this then you need to use our products to get you into this shape. Therefore, body shaming and making people feel self conscious. However, on the other hand, the this girl can advert shows and represents that everyone can do what they want no matter their body, culture or race. This is giving girls confidence and promoting sports for them, not putting them down.

1. The big 6 is referencing to all pf the leading film industry's, including Disney and warner bros. 
2. Warner bros, 20th century fox, Paramount pictures, Universal pictures, Sony pictures entertainment, Walt disney studios.
3. Warner Bros made, 'the nun' 22 million dollars budget, used trailers and posters for advertising and it released September 7th 2018.
- 20th Century Fox, Dead-pool 2, 110 million dollars, used trailers and posters for advertising and released 16th May 2018.
-Paramount pictures, GI joe, budget of 175 million dollars, used trailers and posters for their advertising and released the film 27th March 2013.
- Universal Pictures, Mumma Mia! here we go again, budget of 75 Million dollars, used trailers and posters and was released July 20th.
- Sony Pictures, Baby Driver, 34 million dollars, used posters and trailers as advertisement and was released 28 June 2017.
- Walt Disney Studios, Black Panther, 200 million dollars, used posters and trailers as advertisement and was released on 12th February 2018.

Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...