Thursday 20 September 2018


Genre Task

D - Describe in detail
S - Setting
T - Themes
I - Icons
N - Narrative
C - Characters
T - Textual analysis 

Sci Fi - This photo highlights the genre of Sci-fi, this is because of the science element, science best highlights the future and the use of these evident science views it presents sci fi. It went well with these ideas of science infusing throughout the photo. However, due to the use of fire, and not just normal science equipment an audience ay see it in more of a horror film way or maybe not as it is intended as a sci fi picture. Which could potentially cause confusion for an audience.

Teen - The genre of teen is highlighted here, this is because of the teenager sitting in the middle, with the classic idea of hood up and on phone. Overall representing a teenager being the centre of the film. The school building in the background again highlights the age of being a teenager as they are in school and not on a street which could cayuse speculations regarding the age. This went well, however, some audiences may have a different inference to teen and potentially see it in a different way as it has no classic locker hall and what is normally seen in a teen film poster.

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Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...