Wednesday 3 April 2019

chairty essay

2. analyse how social and cultural context can influence advertising. use fig 3 to support your answer. 
in your answer you must:
- analyse how social and contexts influence advertising 
- makes judgments and reach a conclusion on why they advertise this way.
Social and cultural context can influence advertising as it reflects a personal message on the audience, this is because the cultural context of the people targets a certain group of people along with the social context which identifies who they are and their position in society. Social context is the act of where they are within society, therefore homelessness would socially be low within society unlike cultural which identifies where they are from and where they are now in terms of country.
the cultural context of the people on the poster all displays different culture and different religions, this shows that having a different background portrays all of the different people in the posters as equal and not linked as a whole. this therefore shows how anyone can become homeless no matter who they are and what their background is. It also abolishes any stereotypical views about how different races or culture leads to homelessness which in-fact is not true as there is three completely different races and cultures displayed by the models on the posters. The cultural context differentiates what people think of them in todays society, this links society and cultural context together to display how people will stereotype and think lower of them due to their cultural context.
the social context of the posters displays and exemplifies the members of society and where they stand, all being homeless and to the upper class considered as the lowest class. however, they are the same and they are equal to all of us they have just not had the same quality of life that we have managed to successfully maintain. this therefore means that they are no different but to do with their social status they are deemed as lower than us which is not the case they have just had a different quality of life. The context of their original social status displays how much in context to social status someone can drop and describes how easy it is for someone to fall homeless, the poster alone doesn’t tell us their social background and how they became homeless, but the context is that they may have all different social backgrounds yet due to unforeseen circumstances they arrived in this social context.
therefore, the reason they advertise in this way is to display equality and to attempt to disrupt the classic social views for those who are homeless and are less fortunate than all of us. what this allows is those who are less sympathetic than the rest of us decide they may want to come around and support the people who are in this position with life. this may access a view that chooses to identify those who are not supporting charity and making them feel sorry for those who they charity is generated for. The whole reason of the poster was to try and enable a broader view and a more direct view regarding the homelessness problem. This targets the social and cultural context of the people in the image and enables a sympathetic view aimed at the people who view the image. Therefore the whole aim is to target an audience that has a negative view on homelessness and give them an insight to the context of their life and how it generally does not fit the vision of the stereotype.


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