Thursday 25 April 2019

music videos to be studied

Music Videos To Be Studied

Titanium - David Guetta

Stop where you are - Corrine Bailey Rae

Stop where you are 
- released in April 2016
Corrine Bailey Rae
- rising star in 2006, full of promise
- music hybrid of soul/pop
- in 2006 she was predicted to be next big thing.
- in 2008, her husband died pf an accidental overdose of methadone,  and alcohol. unexpected and it took her. long time to reemerge.
- stopped music
- stop where you are was released in 2016, as a single from the album 'the heart speaks in whispers'.

- class
- age
- gender
- ethnicity

- red dress, shows hurt and pain
- age  20-30
- female gender, suffering from heartbreak and despair
- black ethnicity
- setting, plain grey concrete, grey connotes boredom and suffering, all have nothing to live for
- dark shadows
- one man relying on dog, represents how she relied on her male but then he passed
- breakdancer shows how passion is used to get through the pain
- teen alone, represents a lot of teens who are disregarded
- whole song displays people who are struggling through life, this all displays how you should make the most of what you have while it lasts until it is taken.

- urban area with a hoodie alone
- dark blue = sadness
- black jeans and shoes, be invisible
- wide angle long shot, the environment takes up more space than the girl, although the girl is the subject of the frame.
- small and insignificant within this framing.
- zoomed with a jump cut, looks unnatural and at a different change, you can see her face and identify her. this makes her not invisible and overwhelming. which allows an effort to get to know her.

Androgynous - partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex.


close up with a low angle shot, which is static. slow motion comes into focus, revealing him with tattoos which makes us judge the character.

homeless woman, blurred in the foreground and then she comes through, the man sitting next to her gives her confidence, promise and hope. marginalising society and dispersing any type of stereotype.

high angle mid shot, someone trying to grab him, then he gives her time of his day with a coffee.

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Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...