Friday 22 March 2019

the big issue essay

Question 5 Explain how the representations in magazines reflect their contexts. Refer to The Big Issue covers you have studied to support your answer. [10]

The front covers of the big issue are like adverts for the magazine, this is because they don’t include text or a new story but promote the idea of giving a hand up and not a hand out. This exemplifies the fact that the venders are the ones that the paper focus on and does not necessarily focus on the content. This also gives the audience an idea of help and not necessary caring about the content to such of an extent but wanting to give a hand up and to help out those less fortunate, with their living status in mind.

The vendors being the main part of the magazine, other than the content can really be displayed and described with the ‘Mumford and sons’ magazine. This is because, the Mumford and son’s magazine front cover is unique to all other magazine front covers due to the image on the front of it. The image is a vendor holding the magazine that the whole product is based upon. This idea reflects their power over the magazine and explains how if it isn’t for them then there is np ‘big issue’ for the fans. Therefore, this explains the political content of brining the issue to life, of which it is not focused on enough by those in political power. This is for anyone that reads, sees or acknowledges this front cover is reminded of the rising issue of homeless and therefore feels it’s their duty to intercept this issue. This is supported with the cultural issues of the paper stating how important they are, as in this copy they are amongst and in fact holding celebrities. Representing them as one and giving them a holy figure. The masthead and different text on the front cover is in a graphic font Asif it was written by hand, the connotation of this is that using a non-serious font, allows access to focus on the serious issue of homelessness which is occurring all around us. Leading and prompting passers-by to help and potentially help the cause. It also quotes that one the ‘Mumford and sons’ are ‘delighted’ to be ‘on the cover’. The other person on the cover is a vender, giving the vender a sense of pride and relating a popular figure of the Mumford and sons and associating them with the vendors gives them a sense of unity and therefore supports the reflections of the big issue.

Another representation of the ideologies of the big issue is reflected with the Paddington bear front cover, this is because Paddington is a migrant British icon. Many migrants are homeless due to their history and past living standards and situations, therefore referring to Paddington as a British icon supports them as migrants and gives them a sense of unity as well as not feeling alone. Referring to them as an icon makes them feel good and not so disheartened like they may feel if they aren’t referenced as a more popular or prominent figure in society. This is followed up with the tag line stating that they are ‘one of us’, making them feel at home with society although before they may have felt so far away from this, almost as if it is ungraspable. This gives a huge sense of self confidence to a vendor who is still paving their path to get back on the road of success. The whole text being presented in gold gives the vendors that appearance, making them feel special and set apart as an icon for everyone else. Whilst referencing them to one of us, making them feel at home at Christmas and giving them a hand up and not a hand out which is again broadcast across the front cover, explaining and describing the situation which they are unfortunately in. In small print on the puff, text reveals ‘send us your Christmas list… plus the vendor who went to Cambridge’. This therefore connect Paddington who has been reflected in this positive light with a vendor who is offering out the papers. Connecting and making this link shows the unity that the vendors have and therefore reflects and conveys the big issues ideology.  

Therefore, in conclusion, the big issues ideology is to make the vendors feel included and not lonely. This is done with language, colour and all the connotations of the front of the paper. Therefore, helping them out and not leaving them to fend for themselves. All of this combined allows a good start to help their life and hope they find their way back to success and fight back from the circumstances which got them there in the first place. Resulting in the big issue offering a hand up, not a hand out.

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