Monday 18 March 2019

The big issue

big issue
- social, cultural and political context
- niche market magazine which is outside the commercial mainstream.
- cliff
- type of camera shots
- 15 marker question

key terms
- circulations = number of copies a magazine sells
- readership = not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it.
- mass audience = readership on a very large scale.
- niche audience = narrow group of readers with a particular interest.
- subscription = reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower price and receives them through the post.

hand up not hand out

key terms
masthead - the title of the magazine
plug - text that 'plugs' a feature that will appear inside the magazine.
puff - a story that is given prominence on the cover.
cover star - the 'star' featured on the cover.
anchorage test - text that anchors the main image and gives is context/meaning.
banner - text that runs across the lower section of the cover
skyline - text that runs across the top of the cover.

advertising in magazines
-without advertising, no magazine could survive. if a magazine did not contain ads, then its cover price would be three of four times greater.
- the income for a magazine comes from both sales and advertising. on average, advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income.
- A magazine with a small circulation is more dependent on advertising.

helps magazine venders to secure:
- housing, training and health care.
- nearly 100 people a week use this service to gain money.
- 100,000 copies sold a week
- 2000 venders
- buy 1.25 and sell for 2.50
- 2013 made 5 million pounds
- 2400 slept rough in England
- under 40,00o spaces

The big issue
introduction to the big issue
- most widely circulated street newspaper.
- hybrid genre
- entertainment aspect attracts advertising revenue
- editorial content if often critical of big business, banking and champions the political cause.

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Jean baudrillard

Jean baudrillard Old media was reality, real news etc. heightened reality is more intense however it still links to the original...